Wednesday, June 18, 2014

In the hearts and minds of teachers and children

There are many ways for people to learn. One way that has been successful for Melanie is to reveal the benefits of embracing Speak To Children's program.That strategy has consistently worked for teachers and childen. Today, once again, it was evident. Her ability to connect with teachers, help them understand how they benefit from the program has proved itself while we watched them teaching Speak To Children's program to their students. Having Giulietta share in the facilitation further cemented the success.

When we arrived in the scorching heat to each school, we were greeted by wide eyed childen in uniforms, waving and yelling out "Hello! You are welcome!"  Even the teachers were thrilled to see us visit them, welcoming us into their classrooms with open arms. 

 We watched five teachers demonstrate three topics: What it means to have a conscience, self- esteem, sharing and appreciation. Four of the five teachers were part of Giulietta's group during the facilitation and practice sessions over the course of the two days. Watching them practice what they learned with the children and see them bring the content to life was quite heartwarming. 

The teachers we visited from the training program did a good job teaching children. All the children fully understood each concept and participated in the learning. Each classroom had wood desks, a chalkboard and a stick which we believed they used to establish order in the classroom. In fact, at one of the schools we visited, we actually witnessed a teacher hitting children with a stick. We were shocked. That teacher was not part of our training, but it made us think about how common that form of discipline is in schools. We reflected on how the program could change the teacher's behavior. We believe we have begun to build trust with the teachers and following up is key to continue to change their behavior. The next step is to encourage the teachers to use Speak To Children's program as the alternative to using the stick.

While we visited the classrooms, the voice of the children singing, spelling the words appreciation, conscience, and sharing had Melanie in awe. We were in an Afirican classroom listening to teachers enthusiastically utilizing the curriculum that Melanie created to help children become who they deserved to be. There were moments for both of us that were magical, witnessing how sweet and open these children were while learning. 
When leaving the classroom at one of the schools, the children surrounded us staring, touching our skin, and jumping up to touch Giulietta's hair saying they like it. The amazement and curiosity they had towards us and the fact that we were different from them was the sweetest thing.

It was an absolute pleasure and joy to see the impact we were able to have on these teachers and the children. Tomorrow we will be training a few more teachers at the local ICRI-Ghana office and then our time in Ghana will come to an end. It was been amazing so far and we look forward to the adventures and impact we will have in the places to come. 

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." - Aristotle 

With gratitude,

Melanie and Giulietta

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